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Personal Development

Benefits to the participants of this course are

The opportunity to gain knowledge and to put it to practical use in your school library. This

will result in a deeper understanding of the techniques you can introduce to enable you to

work at delivering more impact in a stress free environment.

Benefits to the school

The course offers practical training, advice and support to your library co-ordinator. The Work

Smarter training will show participants how to tweak their job description in order to make

the job less stressful and more purposeful. It will also cover longer term planning to fit with

the aims and ethos of the school. Behaviour management is another area which may place

library staff under stress and this course will look at the psychology and offer practical

solutions to keep this under control. Overall this course is designed to make library staff

more visible and valuable to the school community and to enable them to work delivering

more impact in a stress free environment


There is also an online course available from the School Library Association on this topic


For teachers I have delivered this course through Creative Education


The course covers

Keeping a job description up to date

Time management

Stress management

Change management

Behaviour management


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